Compare OKR Tools for free | Find the best OKR tool for your business with us!

With the right OKR tools, you can make OKR creation, maintenance and publishing more efficient. OKR tools enable you to digitally define, track, coordinate and visualize your Objectives and Key Results. Excel or Word files maintained by hand are a thing of the past. OKR Tools save time and nerves and can capture your processes easily and moreover more accurately in the web browser or in the app.

Do you want to make your company more efficient and digital with the right OKR tool? We help you find the best OKR tool for your business that is DSGVO compliant and integrates seamlessly with existing IT solutions like OKR Microsoft Teams, Google, Slack, Trello, Asana, Jira or Salesforce.

Start the comparison now!

What are OKR tools and what is their advantage?

OKR has been instrumental in the success of companies like Google and LinkedIn – and OKR tools have played a crucial role in that success. Because with the OKR method and an OKR tool, modern target management is possible. OKR stands for “Objectives and Key Results” and is a method for strategy implementation and target management that was developed in Silicon Valley by the innovative tech company Intel and further developed by Google. In the meantime OKR is in use with various OKR software solutions in all industries and worldwide.

With OKR Tools you can define, visualize and track the most important goals and measures in your company. This clarity increases your chances of success and boosts motivation to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

You want to learn more about OKR?

Here you can learn more about the OKR method from real OKR experts.

What matters in OKR tools:

Multi Devices

Your OKR tools should be available on all devices – from desktop web browsers to Android to iPhone/iOS – and as an app in multiple languages.

Efficient visualizations

Through OKR tools, you can easily track and visualize your OKRs using dashboards, reports, reconciliations, and the like.

Simple integration

OKR tools can usually be easily integrated with existing software solutions such as OKR Microsoft Teams, Google, Slack, Trello, Asana, Jira or Salesforce.

OKR Tools data integration

Automatic data import

Key Results can be imported directly and automatically into OKR tools from Microsoft and Google applications, Jira, Salesforce, Zendesk, Github, Hubspot, Trello, Asana and Co.

Safety requirements

The right OKR tool should meet the highest standards of data security and data protection. We advise you on which OKR tools are DSGVO-compliant, offer secure data encryption, maintain SOC compliance, and provide backups and disaster recoveries.

Uncomplicated setup

We set up your OKR tool for you so that you can use it directly and there are no errors during integration. OKR tools can be easily migrated into existing HR and SSO systems.

OKR Tools case Studies

Experiences of other users

The best OKR tools have helped numerous companies become more successful. Experience reports from other companies are therefore a good source of information for finding the right OKR tool.

Full Service

We support you on the entire way to your new OKR tool by advising you on the selection, preparing tenders for you and/or integrating the OKR tool.

We make sure you find the best OKR tool!

OKR Tools Features | OKR Tools Features at a Glance

Define your OKRs easily in the OKR tool

Thanks to the intuitive user interface, you can easily define your OKRs in the OKR tool. Templates help to get started quickly. Based on this, the OKR tool supports you in defining the OKR set.

Plan OKRs with the OKR tool

The OKR tool allows you to do OKR planning in the way that best benefits your business. Planning can be done top-down as well as bottum-up. Networking of different levels is also possible. In this way, strategy, planning, communication and implementation converge efficiently at a single interface.

Team communication via OKR tool

Thanks to an OKR tool, you can keep track of whether all teams in the company are achieving the defined Objectives and Key Results. How well the OKR sets of the respective teams are aligned can be checked using the alignment score. This overview and comparison allows you to track your OKRs much more accurately than in templates, Excel spreadsheets or PowerPoint presentations.

All OKRs at a glance

With an OKR tool, you keep track of all employees’ OKRs and have complete status reporting in one program. With just one click, you can view all OKRs and use them as an agenda for team and individual meetings.

Focus on central OKRs

The intelligent filter functions of OKR-Tools allow you to display exactly the OKRs that you need or that are particularly relevant. So you save time and never lose sight of the essentials.

OKR tools for results management

OKR tools are not an end in themselves, but are there to make your processes and goal achievement more efficient. With the right OKR tool, you can achieve your goals faster. This creates tangible values and thus added value for your company.

Services of OKR-Tools

OKR software supports you in the following actions:

OKR Management

  • strategic objective
  • OKR management for companies, departments, teams and employees
  • More efficient coordination between teams and departments
  • assisted creation of OKRs
  • Automatic OKR creation through KPIs
  • Tracking OKRs

Task Management

  • Create and prioritize tasks
  • Linking Key Results and Tasks
  • Visualization of progress via Kanban and lists
  • Assignment of tasks
  • Team task tracking
  • Easy integration with Trello, Asana, Jira, Github, etc.

Employee Management

  • Newsfeed for the team
  • Integration of other tools like Slack etc.
  • Comment, mark and feedback function
  • Opportunities for appreciation and gratification

Performance Management

  • HR Newsboard
  • Agenda for employee reviews and opportunity for self-review
  • Transparent and all-inclusive feedback
  • Reviews on a regular basis
  • Efficiency score

Get off to a flying start with the right OKR tool!

Thanks to OKRs and the appropriate OKR tool, you can focus on and efficiently track your most important measures at all levels of the company. This not only motivates people to achieve their own goals, but also demonstrably ensures greater success and more economic output.

Choosing the right OKR tools is not so easy due to the large number of applications. Often, the chosen software does not fit the tasks it is supposed to perform in the company or has been implemented inefficiently. This results in considerable efficiency losses. But these are avoidable! Let us advise you and support you in the tendering process for your OKR tool so that you find the right solution for your company.

Only by choosing the right OKR software can you achieve your goals and pursue your strategy efficiently. Because this way you won’t lose track of the essential parameters and you can precisely monitor your progress over the years. The wrong OKR tool can quickly become a liability if your team feels like the OKR tool is only causing work time, added pressure, and business interruptions due to improper integration or poor functionality. The investment in the OKR tool may not pay off if the OKR tool you choose does not fit your business.

That’s why we are happy to support you in finding the right OKR tool. Simply contact us for a free initial consultation. We look forward to helping you make your processes more efficient.